Off the top of your head, could you tell me what the atomic
weight of lead is? Come on now, no peeking at the periodic table.
How about telling me who invented the cotton gin? OK, let's try
something else - what would you use to deal with a dark-type Pokémon to be
super effective? How about what kind of chocobos you need to get a Golden
one? I'm guessing there's a better chance of you guys knowing the answer
to one of the latter two than the first. Why do you think that's the
case? Maybe it's because some people have more fun playing games than
memorizing information from Chemistry class. Or maybe there's more to it
than that.
If you ask Steve Swink, which PAX East goers filling the Merman
Theater did on Friday morning, he has a more simple explanation for many of the
world's ills. He ran a panel called "Game Designers are Designing
the Next 50 Years of Education." While talking about healthcare and
other complex problems we are currently facing, he mused that "healthcare
is fucked, and education prepares no one for anything." In his
opinion, the current educational system treats students more like hard drives
by using memorization over teaching problem solving and thinking. And I
can't wholly disagree - I remember a lot of memorization in middle and high
school and regurgitation for exams. Personally, working through puzzles
in the Legend of Zelda or figuring out what enemies were weak
to what in Final Fantasy for me was more thought-provoking
than school was a lot of the time. I mean we had those old MECC games
like Number Munchers, Oregon Trail and Rainbow Trout but
still, those were supplemental to our curriculum, not actually a part of the
core. It's true - games help people understand complex systems. Try
to explain a game like a Civilization title or any Final
Fantasy universe, and you'll see that while it seems tough and complex
to others, you seem to have a pretty solid grasp on it. I honestly feel I'm
smarter and that my brain tweaked itself for problem solving because of the
games I played at a young age.
According to Mr. Swink, there's some support on making games
part of core curriculum from some groups, like the Bill and Melinda Gates
foundation. Part of what they do is making educational games so when
students "exit school they feel empowered" to understand complex
systems. To show this concept he showed us an educational game he
developed called The Doctor's Cure (Plague: Modern Prometheus) which
you can see at Atlantis
Remixed. It's a 3D game run on the Unity platform where students take
on the role of an investigative reporter learning about a visiting doctor's
methods of finding an antidote for a plague that has struck town. Playing
the game helps the students (through their journalist role) put together
persuasive arguments. To do this they find and collect quotes as evidence
and put it through an analyzer, which you can see on the right, building causal
chains to make a solid persuasive case.
Pretty slick, right?
The game is designed to be part of core curriculum that the
teacher can run in the classroom, where he or she plays the role of Scoop, the
town newspaper's editor, with their own back end and control panel to set rules
and take a look at their students work. And there's evidence that the
program is working. Sunnyside school district in Arizona, a district
where 70% of students are on the subsidized lunch program and 50% of the
students speak English as a second language, raised $16MM (that's million)
so that they could build infrastructure and give every student a laptop to take
part. As a result, even ESL students that didn't like to write before
were producing good persuasive essays using Doctor's Cure. Which is an
amazing thing.
Mr. Swink has the right idea - to give kids a virtual world
with the ability to change things and see the consequences by providing them a
safe place to fail - and more importantly - understand. When
the students make their persuasive arguments, they vote whether or not to keep
the doctor in town or to kick him out - each decision having its own
ethical quandaries. I'd call that a better way to help kids understand
complex systems and spin up some critical thinking, wouldn't you? Because
as he accurately stated, "kids aren't hard drives, and we have no idea
what the world is going to be like in 50 years. Even 5."
And for the record, the answers to those
questions at the top of the page are: 207.2, Eli Whitney, fighter type, and
mating a black and a wonderful with a Zeio nut and some luck.
To find more information, you can visit Atlantis Remixed and
the Center for Games
and Impact.