[Article first published as DNS Changer Malware and the FBI's July 9th Deadline: What It Is
and What You Should Know on Blogcritics.]
Depending on how close you are to your local nerd, you
should have already heard about a computer virus that is claimed to eventually
cause thousands of people to lose their internet access in just a few days on
July 9th. Some folks don't even know it's coming, some have waved it off
as a hoax, and some have even gone so far as to claim immunity because of
course, nothing could penetrate their primitive anti-virus shields, regardless
of everything I've been trying to tell them. At any rate, it's happening.
So what exactly's going on? The culprit behind this
scheduled havoc is a particular class of malware known as DNS Changer.
Before I get into what exactly it's doing, I should give you a short primer DNS
and what it does - because after all, like it's named, DNS Changer changes
"Phone Numbers for the Web" - A Quick DNS
Think about phone numbers for a second. Suppose my
phone number is (123) 456-7890. If someone has that phone number written
down, and just that phone number, they have no idea who
exactly they're calling if they punch it into a phone. The information
they have to contact me over the phone is incomplete. Now if they have
two pieces of information - the phone number and my name to go
with it, then that makes far more sense. Now they know that I'm at the
other end of (123) 456-7890.
DNS is exactly the same thing. Internet websites have
what's called an IP address (think phone number for a website). Now let's
make an example. I'm going to give you an IP address, and you tell me
what that address goes to. Ready? OK, here it is:
Complete gibberish to you? I'll tell you what. Take that number and
put it into your web browser where you put in what website you want to go to,
and tell me if it doesn't take you right to Google. DNS is what allows
your browser to cleanly translate domain names to IP addresses - in this case
it matches up to "http://www.google.com." Just
like a phone number. You don't get out your cell every time you want to
call me and dial out (123) 456-7890. You go to my name. Your
address book, as it turns out, is a mini list of DNS entries, matching numbers
to names.
That was just a basic primer, but it gets far more complex
than that when it comes to the Internet. There's not just one DNS server,
but many that communicate to allow you to browse the web. You browse the
web primarily using the DNS servers that belong to your Internet Service
Provider (Comcast, Verizon, Roadrunner, or whoever you pay your bills to).
What Does DNS Changer Do?
So now that you have a better idea of what DNS is, let's
look at what DNS Changer does. In the end it can do the same thing that
email phishing scams can do in the sense that it can lead you to fake and
fraudulent websites to try to steer you in the wrong direction. This
works a little bit differently though - instead of sending you fake links
hoping that you'll click them without paying attention, DNS Changer literally
changes your DNS settings, giving the intruder the ability to change where you
go and leave your computer wide open to a number of cyber attacks. The
image to your right is a great concise diagram from the official FBI
website that shows how it works.
The FBI has been able to identify networks of these rogue
DNS servers that can potentially do you harm through what was known as
Operation Ghost Click, and have taken a number of steps not only to disable
them, but to help internet users until they do. They've been working with
ISPs and providing known clean DNS servers so that affected users can redirect
to them to browse safely. On July 9th, support for these temporary clean
DNS servers ends, so everyone has to make sure that they're up to snuff.
What Can I Do?
But fear not friends. There is something that can be
done. First and foremost, go to this website to check if your current DNS
settings are legit and not hijacked: http://dns-ok.us/. If the image comes back with a
nice green background like at the top of this post, then your DNS settings are
in good working order. If it comes back red, that means your DNS settings
have been jacked to hit rogue DNS servers and you have some fixes to make.
There will be a link too that will point you in the right direction.
If it comes back red, there are steps you can take.
The FBI as well as the DNS Changer Working Group (DCWG) have sites set up to
guide you through the process that you can get to at the bottom of this
post. The most important thing to remember is that if your check does come
back red, as I mentioned that means that you could be vulnerable to additional
malware and viruses.
Check in with your local nerd if you have any issues or
questions. I've also set up a temporary email address you can send your
questions to through July 9th, at helpdesk@tusharnene.com.
DNS Changer Checker: http://dns-ok.us
Official FBI DNS Changeer website:http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2011/november/malware_110911
DCWG DNS Changer website: http://www.dcwg.org/
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